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(604) 533-2600

GrapeVine Committee

GV Rep Handbook
GV Editorial Calendar


“Our Meeting in Print”

To many, Grapevine became known as “Our Meeting in Print,” a term coined during World War II, when the editors sent a copy to every known AA member in the armed forces. Cut off from meetings and contact with other members, the grateful soldiers referred to Grapevine as their “meeting in print,” a name that has stayed with the magazine for sixty years.

Today, Grapevine not only carries the words “AA’s Meeting in Print” on the cover, but its format resembles an AA meeting as well, beginning with the Preamble on page one and ending with the Serenity Prayer on the back cover. It has the makings of a good meeting: discussion topics, humor, announcements, and, above all, the stories of experience, strength, and hope of alcoholics practicing the principles of AA. But today Grapevine offers much more in addition to print.

A Resource for Groups

The magazines provide groups with many of the basic ingredients for a well-rounded meeting:• the essential AA texts for meetings—the Steps, Traditions, Preamble, Serenity Prayer, and Responsibility Declaration

  • discussion topics each month on the principles of AA and the tools of the program, which stand alone or can be discussed after the group reads an article
  • a steady supply of AA stories
  • updates on major AA events
  • AA material to give to newcomers or to institutions where group members serve
  • articles about AA history and about other groups, which may help a group function more smoothly and better carry the message of AA
  • AA Grapevine Youtube page: CLICK HERE

A Mirror of the Current Fellowship

Publishing hundreds of new stories a year, La Viña and Grapevine provide an up-to-date picture of AA’s current membership and reflect the enduring principles of Alcoholics Anonymous. At the same time, they try to respond to changing times with reports on how AAs are carrying the message online, or reaching out to alcoholics around the globe. And today, with the growth of the website and forums like “What’s On Your Mind?” forum, and the addition of the Spanish-language pages, Grapevine allows AA members to share their experience in recovery sooner and offers an immediate mirror of the diverse Fellowship of AA.
Copyright © The AA Grapevine, Inc. Reprinted with permission.

The GrapeVine Committee develops awareness among AA members of the many benefits Grapevine offers through mail and on-line subscriptions. Encourages AA members to contribute articles, stories, photographs, cartoons or illustrations to GrapeVine for publication. The committee holds workshops and other events throughout the year.

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