(604) 533-2600
(604) 533-2600

Treatment and Accessibilities Committee

The primary purpose of a Treatment Committee is the same throughout the United States and Canada, to carry the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still
suffers. There is probably no better place for an A.A. member to find a suffering alcoholic than in a treatment facility or outpatient treatment setting. According to the A.A.
2014 Membership Survey, 32% of our members cited treatment facilities as a factor most responsible for them coming to A.A. Carrying the message to alcoholics in 
treatment is basic Twelfth Step work — sharing experience, strength and hope — giving it away in order to keep it!
In line with A.A.’s Responsibility Declaration, Accessibilities Committees explore, develop and offer resources to make the Alcoholics Anonymous message and participation in our program of recovery available to all alco­holics who reach out for it.
While we all need to access, receive and carry the message of recovery and wish to have the same measure of privileges and responsibilities with regard to Twelfth Step work, sponsorship, and speaking at A.A. and non-A.A. meetings as other members, for some there are significant barriers that must be overcome to insure full participa­tion in A.A.  Whatever the access barrier may be, the goal of our members and especially those who serve on Accessibilities Committees, is to find solutions to help ensure every alco­holic can participate in A.A. meetings, Twelfth Step work, and A.A. service.
CONTACT treatmentandaccessibilities@district43aa.org for more information

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