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Public Information – Co-operation with the Professional Community Committee

What is Public Information work and Why Should A.A.s Do It?

Public Information (P.I.) in Alcoholics Anonymous means carrying the message of recovery to the still-suffering alcoholic by informing the general public about the A.A. program. We carry the message by getting in touch with and responding to the media, schools, industry, and other organizations which can report on the nature and purpose of A.A. and what it can do for alcoholics. The purpose of P.l. service work is to provide accurate A.A. information to the public when requested. P.l. committees visit schools, businesses and community meetings for this purpose. They also serve as resources for our friends in the local media, emphasizing our Traditions of anonymity, singleness of purpose and nonaffiliation, as well as offering A.A. public service announcements to radio and television stations. Though the “public” in “public information” refers to non-A.A.s, the PICPC Committee considers that helping to keep the Fellowship itself informed is also among their responsibilities and holds workshops throughout the year; particularly Speaking at Non-AA Events workshops which is mandatory before A.A. members are permitted to speak at schools

Origin and Purpose of C.P.C.

“Our Twelfth Step—carrying the message—is the basic service that the A.A. Fellowship gives; this is our principal aim and the main reason for our existence. Therefore, A.A. is more than a set of principles; it is a society for alcoholics in action. We must carry the message, else we ourselves can wither and those who haven’t been given the truth may die.”

The A.A. Service Manual, “A.A.’s Legacy of Service” p. S1

C.P.C. committee provides information about A.A. to those who have contact with alcoholics through their profession. This group includes health care professionals, educators, members of the clergy, lawyers, social workers, union leaders, police, fire fighters, paramedics, industrial managers, government officials, as well as those working in the field of alcoholism. Information is provided about where we are, what we are, what we can do, and what we cannot do.

The District 43 PICPC Committee positions are: Chairperson; Co-Chairperson; Clergy Liaison; First Responders Liaison (RCMP, Firefighters, Paramedics); Professionals Liaison; Public Information Liaison; School Speaker Co-ordinator; and Bridging the Gap. The duties of these positions are listed in the District 43 PICPC Guidelines document. An understanding of the Twelve Traditions, including a firm grasp of the Anonymity Traditions, is most important.

The PICPC Committee meets at the Langley Intergroup Office on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. Please check the Newsletter for any updates.

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